Patriot Travel Medical Insurance
There are two Patriot travel medical insurance plans available. Patriot International is for U.S. Citizens traveling outside the U.S. with coverage for brief returns to the U.S. The other plan is Patriot America, this is for non-U.S. Citizens traveling outside their home countries. The period of coverage for both plans can be from 10 days up to 2 years. Both plans offer great benefits and services which should meet your international needs. Benefits include a range of deductibles (0 to $ 2,500) and plan maximums ($ 50,000 to $ 2,000,000) and access to over 17,000 providers when you need treatment outside the U.S. There is no Coinsurance for treatment received outside the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S. and Canada the plan pays 90% of eligible expenses up to $ 5,000 then 100% up to the policy maximum when treatment is provided within the PPO Network and 80% outside the PPO Network. Benefit period of 6 months. On-line access to MyIMG 24 hours a day. World-Class Medical Benefits and International Emergency Care.
Below are the Schedule of Benefits, Additional Benefits, International Emergency Care and Optional Riders.
Schedule of Benefits:
The following are covered Up to the Maximum Limit: Hospital Room and Board (for average semi-private room rate), Medical Expenses, Out-patient Medical Expenses, Local Ambulance, Intensive Care, Emergency Room Accident, Emergency Room Illness with In-patient Admission, Prescription Drugs, Dental – Due to Accident.
Emergency Room Illness without In-patient Admission – Up to Maximum Limit with additional $ 250 deductible, Dental – Sudden Pain – up to $ 100, Indemnity (for U.S. Citizen only) – up to $ 100 per night.
Additional Benefits:
Terrorism: up to $ 50,000 lifetime maximum, Sports and Leisure Activities – up to maximum limit for basic sports, Sudden Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition – Medical (for U.S. Citizens only) – up to $ 15,000 of eligible expenses, Sudden Recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition – Emergency Medical Evacuation (for U.S. Citizens only) – up to $ 25,000 of eligible costs and expenses, Incidental Home Country Coverage – up to cumulative two weeks, End of Trip Home Country Coverage – one month for every 5 months of travel coverage purchased, up to a maximum of two months, Trip Interruption – up to $ 5,000, Common Carrier Accidental Death – $ 50,000 to beneficiary; maximum of $ 250,000 per family, Accidental Death & Dismemberment – $ 25,000 principle sum, Lost Luggage – up to $ 50 per item of personal property; maximum of $ 250 per Period of Coverage.
International Emergency Care:
Emergency Medical Evacuation – up to $ 500,000 lifetime maximum (independent of Maximum limit), Emergency Reunion – up to $ 50,000, Return of Mortal Remains – up to $ 50,000, Return of Minor Children – $ 50,000, Political Evacuation – up to $ 10,000, Natural Disaster – $ 100 per day for five days, Identify Theft Assistance – up to $ 500 per Period of Coverage.
Optional Riders:
Adventure Sports Rider - (available to insureds up to age 65): 0-49 – Lifetime maximum of $ 50,000, 50-59 – Lifetime maximum of $ 30,000, 60-64 – Lifetime maximum of $ 15,000, Enhanced AD&D Rider (available to Primary Insured only) - up to an additional $ 400,000, Citizenship Return Rider – up to the Maximum Limit.
The Patriot International Travel Medical Insurance plan and the Patriot America Travel Medical Insurance plan are among the best selling Travel Medical Insurance plans available today. To find out more go to the links below for more information or to buy on-line.
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Specializes in Travel Medical Insurance, Trip Insurance, Global Health Insurance and all of the derivations(Mission, Marine, Student, etc.). For your Travel Medical Insurance needs visit us at: Global Medical Coverage.
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