Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are You Crossing the Finish Line?

Are You Crossing the Finish Line?

We are more attractive when we know where the finish line is, and cross it.

Have you ever experienced a new level of success, and then stopped yourself just before the finish line? You know, you are playing a friendly game of tennis or racquetball and you notice you are playing really well, only to start making unforced errors? Take a moment right now to consider what you would need to empower yourself to go the full distance.

If you stop to look where you are stopped, you can find there is always something that would assist you in going further. Is there a ‘strength/endurance’ training program that would assist you in expanding your capacity to cross the finish line?

Perhaps you require a coach to assist you. “A coach is someone who talks to the quarterback on Tuesday and touchdowns show up on Sunday.” – Vince Lombardi. Perhaps you have to re-design your daily schedule in order to give more focus to those projects that require a greater amount of your capacity to achieve them. Sometimes it is a simple matter of re-defining what is most important to you, or re-connecting with what your goal truly is.

What is waiting for you, tangible and intangible, at the finish line?

Perhaps it is:

* A thriving heart-centered business you are passionate about.
* Allowing your money to flow more freely to you.
* Making a difference for yourself and the world.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Jim Rohn

Now that’s attractive!

AND the most effective way to get the results you want is to take a step-by-step approach. I have a special FREE report, a home study program, and live tele-classes, where I will take you by the hand and walk you through the 4 steps of creating your own BEE-ing Attraction plan.

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READ More Here ------>>Are You Crossing the Finish Line?
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