Friday, January 18, 2013


Check out these Chip Kelly images:


Chip Kelly

Image by U.S. Pacific Fleet
YOKOSUKA, Japan (Oct. 4, 2012) Seaman Kelly Naranjo, assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen (DDG 82), uses a needle gun to chip paint off of an anchor chain during a dry-dock selected restricted availability. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Mackenzie P. Adams/Released)

Mossy Forest

Chip Kelly

Image by Travis S.
During one of our test pits we had to dig through moss like this. It took Kelly and I about 30cm (1 ft) before we got through the moss. Then it just so happened that where we were located, the moss and shade from the trees kept the ground cool enough to where there was nothing but ice below the moss layer! We were taking a small hand ax at the ice chipping our way down into it. Occasionally we’d come to pockets of clay or thick roots that we’d continue to hack through.

After leaving the test pits exposed for a few days they got all soppy and they filled in with water. Nothing much could be determined from them so they were just filled back in.

Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of the stratigraphic layers of the ice and moss. That would have been a good one as the ice was pure and transparent.

New Family Portrait

Chip Kelly

Image by susan402
This goes into the Work in Progress set because seriously. Still need to upholster the couch, for one thing. The other things the kids will tell you about…
Left to right:

Erin: Hi! I gots a new wig called Penny. It’s s’posed to be the same golden strawberry as my sister’s but it’s lighter. That’s ok, ’cause I’ll know if she takes it. I’m wearing a pretty Kelly dress and Kelly MJs that are too big for me. And I’m sitting on Dillon’s lap but Jenna’s not.

Dillon: Think I could get a wig that’s not so girly? I think I might have liked the Danny Partridge look better. This is Faith by Monique Gold in Brown with blond streaks. I don’t know how anyone’s supposed to see where they’re going under these bangs. Woulda gotten Jojo, but the colors are even worse. And now this crazy chick I live with is telling me we might try something called "Pretty Girl". WTF? If I didn’t like the girls so much (when’s Ciara going to start talking to me anyway?), I would be so outta here. The only thing she’s tried to make for me is a sneaker so I’ve got this one muslin upper on my foot, but she doesn’t even have any pants for me so I’m wearing yellow satin bloomers from a Madame Alexander Sleeping Beauty! Can you believe that sh–

Jenna: [interrupts] Hey, how come Erin gets to sit on Dillon’s lap? I’m pretty in my Penny wig, huh? I got a pretty Kelly dress on, but my feet are stuffed into these MJs that are too small and you can’t even see ‘em in the picture.

Sydney: I got a new Lexy wig in Golden Strawberry, but the bangs are too long. Hope I get a trim soon. I’m wearing the new prototype the sewing lady just made for me. She could have finished it. There’s a pin in my butt. I’m the only one here who doesn’t have shoes. Well, except for Dillon, but at least he’s got one sort of shoe.

Dana: I’ve got this Lexy wig that was waiting for me when I got here. I really like it, even if two of my little sisters are copying me. I found a stretchy Barbie Tshirt and stretchy Ken pants in a bag of old clothes, which is cool because I heard it takes a long time to get clothes around here. I got shoes, though. They’re size 46 "Splendid Ankle Strap" MJs by Monique. They’re a little bit big, but I think they’ll be good with socks. I hope I get my face painted soon. Dillon and Jenna need painting too. Erin’s got some kind of smudge on her face. I think Ciara’s sealer chipped, but I didn’t tell her… I think she’s nervous around Dillon.

Brigit: I got the Lexy wig that Syd and I have been sharing. Now it’s all mine. I’m wearing my prototype that the sewing lady made and then lost the pattern for. She’s messy. She said she learned a valuable lesson, but I don’t think that means she’s not going to be messy anymore. I’ve got white MJs from JR Toys House on eBay. They’re for Blythe when she has socks and they’re too small for me. When I try to take them off my magnetic feet come off too and it’s hard to get them out of the shoes. I’m ‘fraid the sewing lady’s gonna break my toes off or something.

Ciara: I got a pretty new Ginger wig today. It’s blonde with brown streaks I could do without. I wish it was the same golden blonde my sisters have, but it’s ok. Actually, when I first put it on, I thought it was kinda Buffy. You know, like Season 6 Buffy before she cuts it short. I love Season 6. Maybe we’re just watching too much Buffy lately. The sewing lady likes to watch it while she does handwork. Oh, I got new MJ’s too. They’re like Dana’s ‘cept size 54. I don’t know which one is made wrong, but one of them is a little short and hurts my big toe a little. Maybe they’ll stretch. I’m still wearing Bronte’s pink teddy. Which is kind of embarrassing with Dillon around, but at least I have something to wear which is more than I can say for him. Poor Dillon. He’s not very happy. As fluffy as this wig is, I sort of think maybe they should try Paris for him instead of Pretty Girl. But I don’t know. I think they should definitely do his face first because I think having eyebrows makes a really big difference in how things look.

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